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A Bright, Front Door

A few years ago my father purchased my mother a new front door for their home. At first, my mother was excited. However, she quickly decided she didn’t like the plain white color of the door, so she asked my father to paint the door a vivid burgundy color. I visited the home after the front door was painted. The burgundy color of the door looked amazing against the blue color of the house. If you want to give your home a fresh, new look without spending a lot of money, consider what changing the paint might do for the interior and exterior.


Three Reasons You May Want To Consider Painting Your Commercial Building

22 April 2018
 Categories: , Blog

Painting the exterior of a commercial building is not an expensive process. As such, you may wonder if it really is worth investing in a fresh coat of paint for your building or whether you can put it off for a little bit longer. Here are three reasons why you may want to consider painting your commercial building now.  Your Paint is Faded and Worn As paint is exposed to sunlight, weather elements, pollutants and dirt and dust, it begins to fade. Read More …

2 Reasons To Hire An Exterior Painting Contractor

31 January 2018
 Categories: , Blog

Realizing that you have to paint your home can often be a demoralizing experience due to the sheer amount of work that it can involve. Here are two reasons to hire an exterior painting contractor to take care of that job for you and make your life quite a bit easier. They Will Be Able To Help You Decide On Appropriate Colors The hardest part of painting your home is often trying to decide on the right colors to use, mostly because you are going to be stuck with these colors for quite a few years. Read More …